Pencil-legged girls are delicate flowers. So frail, so fragile, and so ultimately insecure. Only the Big Beautiful Woman is a real woman. She comes on with a power and sexuality that is born of strength and solidity. Of fragility and weakness, she knows nothing. It is time to state plainly that whoever first came up with the bright idea to perpetuate the Kewpie-as-media-stereotype was a serious wuss. Intuitively, men know that Barbie Worship is an illusion. It's a psycho-emotional trick they play on themselves, their punishment for allowing the idols of the System to determine every aspect of their makeup.
The truth is that in the depths of his being, a man wants a woman that challenges him, that strikes fear into his heart, and a woman that outclasses him physically presents just such a challenge. Toward her he has no illusions of dominance. With one severe glance and the subtlest show of force from her magnificent body, she will exert full control over him, keeping him in his place with ease, which, ironically enough, is exactly where he secretly wants to be. This is why the majority of men are so psychologically skewed. They’ve spent their entire lives, not to mention their entire human history, trying to be something they are not. They go on trying to pretend that they are the superior gender, that it is only they who possess the skill, cunning, and strength of mind and body to lead humanity back into paradise. The fact is that conclusive proof of precisely the opposite is available to anyone, 24 hours a day. Any time of day, any day of the week check out a newspaper or news broadcast and in less than 2 minutes you will have all the proof you’ll ever need that men know nothing about leading nations, or anything else.
What a man really wants is to surrender, to lay down his life at the feet of a huge, gorgeous woman and end the charade once and for all. She is clearly his superior and he recognizes it both inwardly and outwardly. The sad part is that he would easily find eternal inner peace and soul consolation in her service if only he were able to curb his colossal ego vis-à-vis the ridicule of the herd that he fears will be his ultimate undoing should he choose to act authentically and dedicate himself to her. The fact that his ego, in a vast majority of cases, wins out over his vision of ultimate truth explains in a nutshell the barbaric, unevolved condition of our planet today. But the discussion of the desperate need for a Matriarchal world order is a separate subject upon which I have already and will continue to comment.
Suffice here to simply enforce the point that Big Beautiful Women are superior in every way to all the various forms of Twiggies and Barbies out there who think you become a real woman by counting calories and looking like a Kewpie doll.
Kewpie Doll: a girl with a pretty face and no body. She typically has no tits, a flat ass, and toothpick legs. She is the real-world embodiment of the System stereotype and is only attractive to men who are themselves psycho-lobotomized by the System media complex.
A Postmodern Curiosity: There’s a reason why they only show most newswomen from the neck up. It’s because from the neck down they look like pipe cleaners.
In closing I need to admonish all you guys out there to have some balls, for God's sake. If you're lucky enough to be involved with a Big Beautiful Woman, don't even think about being one of the sorry multitude of lame-ass Closet FA's! If you can't proudly take your exquisite Big Girl out on the town, show her off to the crowd, hold her hand, and hold her close like you mean it, then you don't deserve to even enter into her presence. You need to seriously get it together, fuck the status quo bullshit, and get real with your real woman. Jesus, do I really have to explain this stuff? Obviously, I do.
So, Big Girls, keep rockin’ your magnitude with attitude, and if the bitch-goddess within wants to come out and crush a li’l man or two, or snap a li’l Twiggy in half with one swing of your big, voluptuous hips, I say go ahead and let ‘er rip! This is your world now, BBW, and it’s high time you start taking over.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
More Proof That Size Matters
Posted by J.T.Marquis at 12:59 PM
Labels: alternative lifestyles, bbw, big girls hotter than skinny girls, goddess worship, media bias, media image
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