The perceived antipathy between spirituality and sexuality is a cultural construct, and a quite artificial one at that. In truth, there exists no such antipathy, and rather, conversely, the two realms are so intimately connected as to be considered mere divisions of the same human experience and imperative, namely, Transcendence. This is why it strikes me as hilarious when people (as they continually do!) accuse me of committing a gross hypocrisy by writing passionately on the subject of Cosmic Consciousness and illustrating the same articles with photos of lovely—and invariably voluptuous—women. Such persons, who astonishingly remain legion, are still operating within the confines of the woefully anachronistic cultural structure of ‘proper’ social and even personal attitudes as they existed over a hundred years ago. Times have changed immeasurably since then, and much of that change is fully embraced by society. But why does sex continue to exert such a fiendish, frightening hold upon the minds of the masses? This one exceptional human endeavor, which should by now be enjoying its greatest period of freedom and self-expression, still exists in the collective consciousness as some sort of eternal taboo, and more than anywhere else when it is suggested that it might indeed bear a positive relationship to our spiritual lives. Spirit and Flesh. The ageless dichotomy.
Well, the simple truth is that culture’s ongoing expression of this so-called dichotomy is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on modern man. And who’s behind such an enduring hoax? You guessed it. Organized Religion. Our good friends, the fundamentalists. Pagan cultures, on the other hand, have routinely had healthy attitudes toward sex. In fact, it has always enjoyed the status of high ritual within these viable and progressive religious trends. Don’t misunderstand me here. I don’t mean to suggest that the prohibition of ‘good clean sex’ began with the tent revivals. It didn’t. The division between spirit and flesh is as old as the written word itself. My point is that while scientific progress has stripped away most of the untenable world-views and false ideologies of antiquity, it has made little headway in this regard where the realm of the Erotic is concerned. And it is here that the fundamentalist zealotry of the past 80 years or so has maintained the structural paradigm of ‘Fear of Sex’ at the foundational level of modern culture in general. Western culture is so thoroughly immersed in its Christian heritage, that even many who know the myth of Jesus-as-God to be an intellectual and historical absurdity still discover that the weight of history and tradition psychically encoded within them produces a strange and conditioned sort of difficulty in renouncing it fully. This kind of cultural-historical narrative, encoded into the very fabric of our sociological ideology is what we define as ‘Structure.’ Structures function in such a way as to guide culture along unconsciously as these underlying systems dictate individual and collective attitudes that remain firmly entrenched in our internal makeup even though the tenets of the system itself may have become obsolete. In this way, structures work to create ‘residue,’ the dregs, if you will, of the obsolete systems. These residues act upon us symptomatically, and we find ourselves unknowing victims of symptoms for which the actual diseases have long ago been cured. In the case of sex and spirituality, for example, one need have no overriding connection with the religious institution itself to nevertheless maintain encoded feelings that sex is something unfit for cultural discourse, something shameful, embarrassing, inappropriate, in word; frightening.
By its very definition the unconscious is a realm resistant to access and influence, or manipulation. The dismantling of these unconscious structures, so necessary to right understanding of the world, requires a strong measure of philosophical self-analysis and a willingness to stay current with regard to the unfolding model of the Cosmos as revealed by the scientific community. It becomes considerably more difficult to lean on unsubstantiated belief systems in the face of the extraordinary discoveries being made in the worlds of Physics, Astronomy, and Cosmology, and it is precisely these discoveries that open our minds to new possibilities of thought and thereby to the erecting of more accurate structures upon which new and more progressive cultural models may be established. Such a future model will be erected upon the foundation of sexuality-as-ultimate-religious-vehicle. Transcendence will become the watchword of religious thought, and the immersion of self within the ultimate fantasy world of free sexual expression will become the primary means of experiencing that transcendence.So, just what kind of transformation is needed to usher in this sexually utopian society? A re-ordering of education at every level of development is one idea. But education is slow. It is effective when combined with a legitimate enthusiasm for its subject matter, but it is also met with substantial force and potential resistance in the realms of the popular and environmental constancy. Much more effective is the idea of a youth movement to initiate sweeping change. Youth must become enamored of a new paradigm, and if they do so, the world can change dramatically and quickly. Popularity is the way of all major waves. It washes its protégés into fashion like a giant tsunami, obliterating every feeble strand of resistance with consummate ease and unbridled power. This new movement, then, must be one of spiritual enlightenment combined with uninhibited sexual experimentation in order to create the context for the next great evolutionary shift; Cosmic Consciousness. In order to reach this sacred plateau, the masses must cast off their fear, their anxiety, and their inauthenticity and enter a new mode of being. Sexual freedom is the real key to this state of enlightenment. Through a highly developed and fully legitimated sensual lifestyle, the connection between Sex & Spirit may be recognized for the sublime interplay that it is, freed entirely from the fetters of the puritanical past that has tried to hold Sex hostage forever behind the paper walls of sin and infamy.
We look, then, to a new and vibrant generation that understands human interplay on an elevated spiritual level; a new movement that realizes the connection between sexual experience and Cosmic Consciousness. A new era of Dionysian celebration—the celebration of life—must be erected, a sensual utopia of Jim Morrison’s ‘Golden Copulations.’ A free society can, after all, only be made up of free individuals. The raising of awareness consists to such a great extent in the casting off of outmoded tradition, and the time is now to bury the ruins of puritanical culture deeply and permanently. All ye illustrious young! Awaken and arise to the truth of your calling, your grand destiny. And don’t let anyone say it can’t happen. Young people are sharp. They can see clearly the ills of the world, and the solutions as well. As Bob Marley once said; ‘Youth always knows where it’s at.’
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Study: Notes for an Outline on Sex and Cosmic Consciousness
Posted by J.T.Marquis at 1:11 PM
Labels: alternative lifestyles, cosmic consciousness, evolution of consciousness, universal consciousness
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