Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Reality: Understanding The Concept of "Layers"

Life is experienced within various levels of reality.  Some levels are variations on others according to perception, but most are self-contained and require a certain kind of intent in order to be known, or to be known accurately, in any case.  World systems, designed for interaction, are fashioned in such a way as to obviate or preclude all levels of reality—and hence, all other organizational systems—save the one within which they function.  The one within which these obsolete systems operate is the most illusory of all.  The ancient Hindus named it ‘Maya,’ meaning ‘the world of appearance and illusion,’ and indeed this is the fitting name for our everyday base reality, facilitative of so few of our human capabilities and aspirations.  One simply cannot ascend to the level of self-actualization while remaining mired in the illusion of ‘this vs. that.’  This fact serves to substantiate the idea that experience must stand alone, apart even from all effectual extension of the self upon the plane of mutual interchange.  Only then may it be said to be viewed rightly, thereby remaining impervious, as it were, to logical deconstruction.  What degree of serious thought is required to understand that the entire World System is a total Re-Do?