Monday, April 5, 2010

Another Case For A Matriarchal World Order

It must never be said that men know anything about social leadership. They don't. One only need wake up in the morning to witness the ill effects of the patriarchal world. The entire planet is in the throes of self-destruction as a result of the incomprehensible incompetence of male leadership, and when one considers the vastness of the problem it does indeed cause us to despair of any ultimate hope for solutions. Thus it behooves us to try bringing the problem down to size in some way. If we can begin simply by defining an alternative, ideal culture and thinking through the steps that would be necessary to bring it into existence, we will have done a great service to our race. Are you ready? Here it is. The alternative, ideal culture is Matriarchal culture. That's the simple answer to the first part of the question. Let women run the show. And not just any women, but beautiful, intelligent, and above all dominant women. As for the second part, bringing such a culture into existence, well, that's going to require a bit more space. We'll start with an introductory outline and keep to the basics for openers. If we can make it that far, then we can turn our attention to saving the world.

I have written extensively on the subject of Sex and its relationship to serious philosophy and cultural study, and in more than one essay have proposed the notion that a truly and fully matriarchal order holds the only real hope of an authentic future for humankind. Now, it's time to elaborate on that thesis and at the same time try to provide a jolt, if possible, a hard slap in the face to awaken those who remain soundly asleep and oblivious to the fact that the state of post-modern society—while looking reasonably functional at a cursory glance—is in fact on the verge of collapse. What is less than evident from the outside looking in is the fragile state of its primary foundations. Those foundations consist of avarice, intolerance, and complete apathy for the concept of civilization itself. Given just a little more time, those failing foundations will crumble and corporate crime will destroy America from the inside like the malignant cancer that it is and that is, of course, providing that the global, homicidal enmity between tribes doesn't escalate into a real Armageddon (sans the 2nd Coming part, of course) sending us all rocketing, dumbfounded, to Kingdom Come before then. Make no mistake, we're already hanging on by a thread in the face of both of these scenarios.

Unfortunately, the causes of the world's deplorable human inter-relations are buried far too deeply within the complex fabric of history to be excavated and repaired. They may well be too badly damaged to be saved even if they could be excavated. What originally stemmed from primal greed, unchecked by thought, progressively became institutionalized in the structures of early clan hierarchies and have now evolved into the tenets upon which the ruthless powers of rampant capitalism and epidemic inhumanity to man are firmly entrenched. And if society is too far gone to be saved, what remains to be done? Well, of course, we'd like to think that nothing can be so far gone that a complete change of attitude and approach can't make a marked difference in its condition, but it is indeed the dearth of realistic prospects for any such change in the collective heart of mankind that leaves us grasping at straws, and more or less resigned to the sorry fate of capitalistic culture. And what do we do when something is damaged beyond repair? That's right. We throw it out and start fresh.

So how can we possibly make a fresh start when we've already agreed that America is corrupted beyond repair? For openers, we start small, and we start right. We build a perfect subculture based on the right principles. It was the subculture of those who believed in religious freedom and control of their economic lives that founded this country. I have mixed feelings about that. It was a fabulous revolution, done for all the right reasons. Those in the original American colonies, spurred on to independence by such exceptional thinkers as Thomas Paine, had the right humanitarian values, for the most part. Obviously, their ideas of equality for the Black Man hadn't been worked out, but there was certainly the knowledge at the time of the drafting of our constitution that the issue would have to be addressed. Thomas Jefferson and company, though slave owners themselves, realized and were troubled by the hypocritical aspect of their proclamation that 'all men are created equal.' They were, however, willing to work for harmony with the Native Americans, and might have done so successfully had not the inevitable tidal wave of wanna-be's, with no ethical standards at all, chasing nothing but the lure of an easy fortune, followed like some cosmic nightmare in their wake. What came with the wanna-be's and gold-mongers of course, was unmitigated avarice and the establishment of an ethic of self-aggrandizement, and a consequent utter disregard for any reasoned altruism. From there, it was only a small step further to the slaughter and displacement of the indigenous tribes in the name of progress, and even worse, in the name of God; an unconscionable display of the very syndrome that is the point of our discussion. America continues today to engage in just such exploitation for profit—at any cost—that has defined every other group of ruthless Visigoths down through history, and it is time we removed ourselves from anything other than our accidental association with it.

I should also say a few words about redefining the true goals of communal living. Human life within a collective has all the potential for being the most extraordinary transcendental experience available to us, but we have squandered that potential on self-centeredness. Women have a much greater and more instinctive grasp of the concept of compassion, and will have no problems implementing it as a sociological mandate. It is only through compassion, reverence for life, to coin Albert Schweitzer's phrase, that our human values become evident not only to others, but perhaps even more so to ourselves. No matter how well-conceived and ethical a plan for a new world order may be, we have to remember that the entire social edifice remains nothing more than a blueprint until we have learned to value the other's rights on the same level as our own. This seemingly simple formula for a sane society has remained an utter impossibility for humankind and it is time we set matters straight.

To sum up this idea of a philosophy that substantiates the call for matriarchal culture, let me just add to the preceding the related notion that this simple blueprint for a progressive society starts with a right understanding of the human condition. Here again, things are in no way overly-complicated. The human condition is simply that of seeking the fulfillment of its potentiality. What fails to find articulation in the cultural message of the day is the fact that this search belongs to each of us alike, and not merely to those in the positions of power or privilege. And so it falls upon us to outline the pathway to a new and progressive society in which ALL MEN & WOMEN are free to follow their dreams and fulfill their destinies as individuals. Be sure and join me for my next post in which we will discuss the details of building a perfect society; the Matriarchal Society.